Based out of Mumbai and launched in 2018, Aarti Mahtani is an eponymous label with a special focus on trousseau pieces and wedding styles, along with ready-to-wear silhouettes for the modern woman. Aarti’s designs include details that are subtle yet statement-making, in colour palettes that are feminine and relevant in the current-day scenario, globally. The wedding and trousseau essentials from Aarti Mahtani have gained nationwide praise for being up-to-date with trends as well as striking the right balance between dramatic and understated. The label has been coveted by bloggers and celebs alike, and some of the names include Ekta Kapoor, Anita Hassanandani, Prakriti Raval, Sumona Chakravarty, Hina Khan, Maia Sethna, Karishma Tanna, Sanaya Irani, Urvashi Rautela, Gauahar Khan, Malini Agarwal, and many more. Her pieces have been showcased the world over. They are timeless yet modern, making them perfect for special celebratory occasions and beyond. Find Aarti Mahtani designer collection online on Pernia’s Pop-Up Shop.
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This event, a crucial meet-up for stakeholders and innovators in the B2B and D2C sectors, offers a unique opportunity for high-level business networking and engaging consumer interactions. it presents an unrivalled platform for professionals to connect with pioneers in yoga, meditation ,mindfulness, and ethical fashion,
Aarti Mahtani Designs
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